The Polar Express Golden Tickets

The Golden Ticket Surprise!

A The Polar Express™ tradition we love to see is The Golden Ticket Surprise. Revealing tickets to The Polar Express Train Ride for Christmas to your children is always sure to be a viral moment! Over the years we’ve heard some amazing ways you have revealed the big surprise to your family and friends, and we would love to share them and some new ways to reveal the big secret!

Elf on the shelf

The most popular way to reveal the big surprise is nothing other than the naughty Elf on the shelf who appears every Christmas season and gets up to all sorts of mischief! Or to keep it true to the film you could hide the golden tickets in the pockets of your very own dressing gown! Why not really feel like you’re in the classic Christmas story by wearing one of our official The Polar Express dressing gowns! Make sure there’s no holes in the pockets!

Christmas Eve box

Christmas eve boxes have become increasingly popular over the years and at North Pole Trading we have the perfect alternative, our stylish Hot Chocolate Collector’s tin! This empty tin features a stylish vintage design of a chef from The Polar Express serving their famous hot chocolate and would be ideal to fill with lots of small festive goodies!
The Polar Express Golden Tickets

Staying warm

Stay cosy inside this Christmas underneath our The Polar Express Train Fleece Blanket and watch the classic film The Polar Express with friends and family! Reveal the ticket during the film or have it displayed out ready, alongside hot chocolate and cookies!  

Icy cold

For a fun idea why not pop the Golden Tickets inside the freezer for a few minutes and turn them icy cold, as if they have come all the way from The North Pole! 

Whichever way you choose to reveal the surprise Golden Tickets to your children, we can't wait to welcome you on board The Polar Express™ Train Ride this Christmas!